General INformation
For any booking related enquiries, please contact the artist you’d like to book with directly or check out our Booking Page
Please note our studio operates by appointment-only and is not able to accommodate walk-ins. The studio is open between 11-7pm.
We are located at 369 Carrall St, Vancouver - your artist will give you the buzzer code for studio access . Once you have arrived, take the elevator to the 3rd floor.
✤ For current and upcoming Guest Artists, please see our instagram here.
✤ There is metered street-parking available by the studio or underground car parks available nearby (EasyPark locations)
✤ There are a number of coffee/lunch options in Gastown! Some of our favourites include Milano, DiBeppe and Auyaohno Cafe
✤ Please arrive to your appointment well-rested, fed and hydrated.
✤ Feel free to bring drinks/snacks for your appointment. You are also welcome to order food to deliver at the studio if you prefer.
✤ Please wear comfortable clothing with easily accessibility to the area getting tattooed.
✤ Some clients like to bring blankets to keep themselves extra cozy! Remember, comfort is key.
✤ The studio has a number of items to help keep you comfortable during your appointment including: water, assortment of teas, coffee (+ decaf), variety of candy, ginger chews, stress balls, fidget toys, iPad/iPhone holders, sanitary products, screen dividers for privacy, pasties, disposable underwear + more!
If there’s anything else we can do to make your experience more comfortable, please let us know.
For any other enquiries, please email us at